The Wagner Group
The Wagner Group is a full service marketing research company founded in 1988. In recent years, we have added various exciting consultancy services which can be accessed here.
Our goal in both our marketing and consultancy divisions is to provide the highest quality research, moderately priced, utilizing designs tailored to the needs and constraints of our clients, in terms of content, timing and budget.
Keeping individual client objectives in mind, we offer a “hands-on” approach with principals involved in all phases of the study. The company is comprised of only senior researchers who thrive on dealing with all facets of the project. The advantage of the team approach is that clients always have access to a senior staff member to determine the status or discuss the study at any given point.
Contact us at 212-695-0066 or click here to send us a message.
Jeff Wagner, Ph.D.
Jeff obtained degrees from Hamilton College, University of Michigan, University of Arizona, as well as completing coursework at various Japanese universities. He also taught at the university level for four years.
After leaving academia, Dr. Wagner became Vice President for marketing research suppliers Stockton, Ott and Bortner and then Commercial Analysts, Inc. Dr. Wagner founded TWG Inc (The Wagner Group) in 1988 to capitalize on his strong international expertise as well as technical training in fields such as sensory testing, medical research, and magazine readership.